Post-it note pedagogy

Are you a Post-it Note Pedagogue? Here at Primary English HQ with LOVE them and they're always something we keep in our school bags. In this quick guide to  Post-it Note pedagogy we look beyond the writing of lists and the marking of pages and summarise a few ways to use Post-it Notes as a teacher.

Post-it Note pedagogy:

  1. Post-it notes are great for making pictograms with young mathematicians. They can write or draw on the sticky notes and organise them to show the frequency of the data they are collecting.

  2. Children love learning about sentences through practical activities. Write separate words on Post-it Notes and use them to construct sentences. Different colours can be used for different word classes such as verbs and nouns; connectives and conjunctions; and even for phrases and clauses.

  3. Try writing different phonemes on Post-it Notes and then use them to blend words.

  4. When teaching poetry try covering up rhyming words with Post-it Notes so that children can use their knowledge of rhyme and the context to predict the hidden words.

  5. Speech bubble shaped Post-it Notes are great for teaching dialogue. With the youngest children in school you can get them to write dialogue to accompany wordless picture books.

  6. Some children are reluctant to offer answers in front of the whole class. Post-it notes can be a helpful tool to support such children. This is a great way to harvest vocabulary from the class and can make a quick and useful display.

  7. Asking children to write short book recommendations on Post-it notes and leave them stuck to books in the class library can be a useful, engaging way of getting children to offer opinions about the books they have read.

  8. Pink and green Post-it Notes can support peer assessment using 'tickled pink' and 'green for growth' as a way of marking the good points and areas for development in written work.

  9. Red, amber and green Post-it Notes are great for self-assessment. Ask children to select the appropriate colour of Post-it Note and then write a comment on it to support their self-assessment.

  10. Post-it notes are invaluable for jotting down your personal assessment notes and then sticking them to your lesson plans, assessment records or children's work.

These are just a few of the ways that Post-it Notes can be used in the classroom. For more ideas take a look at our Pinterest Board and the official 3M website. Do also let us know how you use Post-it Notes in the classroom.


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