Our Story
Founded in 2013, Primary English has evolved from a small educational consultancy supporting schools in Coventry to an organisation training teachers all over England and beyond. We also work with a range of well-known publishers to write teaching materials and we produce a range of high-quality resources available here on the Primary English website.
Rachel Clarke
As the Director of Primary English, Rachel works with education professionals to improve all aspects of English teaching in the Primary Years. During her 28 years in primary education she has held the positions of SENCO, English Subject Leader and Deputy Headteacher. Before establishing Primary English, Rachel worked as an English Consultant for Coventry Local Authority. She holds the TTA SENCO standards, has completed Ofsted Inspection Skills training from TRIBAL and has been a member of the UKLA National Council as a representative for the West Midlands region. Rachel has a Masters Degree in Education and was awarded a distinction for her research.
Rachel is a knowledgeable and motivational trainer who carefully facilitates the improved understanding, knowledge and skills of others. Rachel specialises in creating bespoke support for schools based on the precise interpretation of their specific needs.
Rachel is an experienced writer and series editor. She is the author of over 10 educational books, is the series editor of the popular Reading Detectives series from Keen Kite Books and was part of the writing team that produced the KS2 Guided Reading Handbooks for Collins Big Cat. She writes regularly for Teach Primary magazine and blogs here on the Primary English website.
Rachel and her team of associates are also the creators of a range of downloadable resources available here on the Primary English website.
Our team
The Primary English team includes English subject leaders, Deputy and Assistant Head teachers, school librarians and a graphic designer.

“As a school, we have been working with Rachel Clarke for the last 2 years on overhauling our English curriculum. Rachel has worked with teachers to provide support in developing medium term planning across a 2 year curriculum cycle that uses some wonderful texts and ensures progression across the year and also across school. The teaching of English at the school has been transformed due to this work and our children have absolutely loved the texts chosen by Rachel. Our children now talk as readers and are able to draw on their wealth of new knowledge about texts, grammar and writing. Our teachers look forward to their termly sessions with Rachel and come away enthused and passionate about the upcoming units.”
- Louise Stewart Headteacher Charter Academy, Coventry
“It was a pleasure working with Isobel and Rachel to create our English text and read aloud spine. They both have a breadth of knowledge of texts so they were able to ensure that we were including a variety of books that meets the needs of our pupils. It was useful to evaluate current texts, discuss alternatives and identify ways the texts could be used in English lessons. It was a huge job but with their expertise we were able to achieve the outcomes quicker.”
- Sukhy Grewal English Subject Lead, Stoke Heath Primary School, Coventry
“I've just had two members of staff, who have both just attended your vocabulary course, come and see me full of enthusiasm and ideas! They really enjoyed the course and you've really helped both of them with ideas to use immediately. So thank you for some fantastic training!”
- Tom Ray Deputy Headteacher, Cannon Park Primary School, Coventry
“Rachel has delivered a number of sessions to all staff working at our school. Professional development for Learning Support Assistants, NQTs and experienced teaching staff remains a high priority within our school and Rachel has delivered INSET to the highest quality. All of our staff thoroughly enjoy their sessions with Rachel and leave feeling motivated and equipped to deliver the English curriculum with confidence. She is extremely professional and always readily available for advice and support.”
- Emily Marlow Assistant Headteacher and English Leader, St Mary and St Benedict Catholic Primary School, Coventry
“Primary English has been a huge support over the years in my role as an English subject leader. The subject leader training sessions cover a wide range of relevant topics that have kept me up to date with the changing curriculum and government agenda, but also enabled me to disseminate content to colleagues back at school and incorporate activities into our CPD sessions. Rachel shares her research and vast knowledge of everything English with useful resources and practical ideas, always grounded by her extensive experience in schools and understanding of how hard it can be to constantly drive standards. We have combined this support with school INSET for various aspects we have focused on and to work with teaching teams to look at planning and progression and how to develop our coverage of the English curriculum. It’s always a pleasure work with Rachel, who undoubtedly guides us in the right direction!”
- Holly Haines English Subject Leader, Stoke Primary School, Coventry
“Rachel is an experienced, knowledgeable and motivated trainer. She has delivered bespoke CPD to English leads within our organisation throughout the year and has competently responded to the needs of our teaching school. She has ensured everyone who attends her sessions feel welcome and valued and plans and prepares sessions with care and consideration. All delivery has incorporated recent updates and materials, this has then ensured our attendees are knowledgeable and equipped to teach in the current educational climate. She has effectively incorporated a collaborative approach to the CPD sessions and Network Meetings to ensure an appropriate balance of input, discussion and active participation. Rachel clearly works extremely hard to help and support all who attend her sessions.”
- Clare Bettles Lead Practitioner, STEP Teaching School Alliance